Calculate the amount of FTE needed before taking the next step in ITAM maturity

Starting with IT Asset Management to achieve software compliance? Or, ready to make the next step to a further reduction of risks, ...

TIP #24 - December 2019: Make sure you know to determine the impact of your ITAM implementation scenarios.

... to accomplish even more cost avoidance or to achieve cost savings by extending the scope of ITAM with more publishers or more IT asset types?

Make sure you have a thorough understanding of the amount of work that lies ahead when entering and implementing your next stage regarding ITAM:

1.    Figure out who will be involved. How much resources should be reserved and allocated in order to execute all related activities and achieve the targets that have been set? Are any new stakeholders involved or do we need more time from those already involved?
2.    Build trust with senior management by showing a solid implementation plan with a realistic demand for people.

Executing an FTE calculation regarding the projected work is required to take the next step in ITAM maturity. Make use of reference figures like benchmark figures on the required time per activity and use accepted best practice models, like the ISO 19770-1 standard. This way you can list all required activities related to your next maturity level. Together with your business figures, like number of purchase orders and number of managed publishers, you will be able to determine the impact of your implementation scenarios.

The Softline Solutions FTE method

No time available to collect reference figures and do the maths regarding an FTE calculation? Don’t worry! Softline Solutions has these key figures already available. During a short workshop, where you deliver your key business figures and scenarios, we are able to show you the projection of required number of FTE per scenario, role, activity, department, outsourced yes or no and others. This to provide your organisation insight in the impact of your ITAM strategic scenarios. And, no surprises during the implementation!