The complete ServiceNow & Softline Webinar Series

Learn more about how you can manage licensing challenges around IBM, Salesforce, SAP, Azure, Oracle, VMware and Microsoft, using ServiceNow’s SAM. Minimise compliance risks and reduce spend all together.

On-demand - October 2021 - Get an answer to the most asked questions on how you can manage licensing challenges around IBM, Salesforce, SAP, Azure, Oracle, VMware and Microsoft, using ServiceNow’s SAM. Learn how you can track consumption across the different licensing models.

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IBM // Salesforce // SAP // Azure

Microsoft // Oracle // VMware

Questions that will be answered during the sessions:

  • What challenges are you facing managing your Azure resources, IBM, Salesforce, SAP, Microsoft, Oracle and VMware products? 
  • What do you need to take into consideration to license compliance properly and to optimise your Cloud spend? 
  • How can ServiceNow SAM (Cloud Insights) help you to optimise and reduce Cloud spend all together? 

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