What is needed for people to fulfil their roles and tasks so that they grow (with) the strategy
Blog - February 2023: How can you ensure growth for ITAM teams? (part 4 of 4)
ITAM has traditionally not been a logical first job choice. People don't know what it is or are even unaware that there is an actual opportunity in ITAM roles. As a result, we see a lot of people who more or less grew into an ITAM role by chance. In your organisation, you will also have noticed that even internally, there is a lot of competition for the same skills, there are many other departments or IT roles that may seem more interesting.
So, how do you make sure you give the right attention to the benefits, training, etc. needed to encourage someone to stay with ITAM for the long term? How do you sell ITAM? After all, if nobody knows what you do and why, you have no visibility in an organisation.
Therefore, as the manager of an ITAM team, you need to make sure that you give status and importance to what you do. Do PR and show the importance of what your team members contribute to the organisation. Make sure your team can be proud of what has been achieved. See which tasks can be outsourced if possible, and let your internal team perform mainly those tasks that are visible in their own organisation, and for which they can also be given credit.
In that context, it is important to look at the creation of a strategic knowledge and training policy on ITAM. It is no surprise that employees with appropriate training are likely to stay with their organisations longer. Pay particular attention to the desired progression within your team and the steps to maturity, paying particular attention to the specific role each team member has.
Capitalise on the skillset already in place and expand on it, ensure there is a clear growth path for the junior staff you have recruited. Ensure a good balance of knowledge of the internal and external aspects of ITAM. Keep track of the requirements from your organisation and anticipate them. If more and more advisory skills are required, make sure your team feels comfortable in this role. Let people indicate themselves where they are missing something. And capitalise on that to make people feel that you are giving them the opportunity to develop.
Take someone’s role, task and personality into account when making choices about which skills to boost for whom. Bear in mind that nobody ever taught a fish to climb a tree! To retain your team, people must be able to stay motivated and each team member must be able to complete those tasks that fit well with their own interests and skills.
In short, make sure you have a solid development and training plan appropriate to your ITAM strategy. Your organisation, but especially your ITAM team, will thank you!
This blog is part of a series - find parts 1, 2 and 3 here:
* Part 1 - There is no I in ITAM - how to build an effective and successful ITAM team
* Part 2 - How to build my team - choices for internal and external expertise
* Part 3 - How do I find and select the right people? - 3 Tips
Or, read more in our eBook: There is no I in ITAM - Building a future-proof ITAM-team