Learn how ISO 19770-1 certification can position your ITAM team for success, driving continuous improvement, gaining organizational buy-in, and elevating your ITAM practices to new heights
Blog - August 2023: Unlock success with ISO 19770-1 certification, positioning your ITAM team as strategic partners, driving continuous improvement, and gaining organizational buy-in.
Getting organisation-wide buy-in is a very important aspect of implementing a successful ITAM strategy. But to achieve the buy-in of an entire organisation, from entry-level employees up to C-level, you need to position your ITAM team to be successful. This is where ISO 19770-1 certification can help you. ISO certification supports internal communication, elevates the reputation of the ITAM team, recognising their expertise, and attracts high quality people into the team.
There are a number of key concepts in the ISO 19770-1 standard that help you position yourself and your team, the most important being continuous improvement, based on the PDCA Cycle. To adhere to the standard, these PDCA cycles have to be observed for several processes. Failure to do so, will result in not attaining or even losing your certification. A few examples are:
- ITAM communication plan: A sound communication plan can help you achieve your strategic goals. The key to success here, is to communicate with stakeholders in a way that is customised to their needs to gain their cooperation and support. Subjects to cover in an ITAM communication plan include a Stakeholder Analysis, Expectation analysis, organisation culture, Audience etc. The ISO 19770-1 standard prescribes an at least yearly update of the ITAM communication plan.
- ITAM process maintenance: The ITAM communication plan was mentioned already, but there are more subjects in the standard you can use to position your team. For instance the yearly review of ITAM roles and responsibilities and the yearly review of the ITAM process design are ideal moments to get in contact with management. During this process you collaborate to re-evaluate risks, determine the impact of changes within and outside the organisation, and communicate the results with stakeholders. (Which feeds into your communication plan. See a pattern emerging here?)
- Set up of ITAM Policies: One of the processes with a mandatory PDCA cycle that deserves special attention is the setup (And of course review and communication) of ITAM policies. This process offers an opportunity to communicate with C-Level on the one hand (aligning corporate strategy with ITAM policies) and the business on the other. (When communicating the acceptable use policy for instance)
None of these concepts are shocking and new, but what is new is that ISO certification makes them a mandatory requirement for your ITAM program. By making your stakeholders part of the continuous improvement process, you can claim time in their calendars and position your ITAM team as a very visible strategical sparring partner.
Interested in other ways you can leverage ISO certification, or how to get started? Contact us for more information, or book an appointment!
Book a free info call with our lead consultant for ISO: Ash Dharas
More on ISO certification and its benefits:
- Essential steps to prepare for ISO 19770-1 certification
- How ISO/IEC19770-1 certification can help during internal audits
- How ISO/IEC19770-1 certification can help achieve management buy-in
- ISO/IEC19770-1: Your not-so-secret weapon in risk management
- Quality assurance through ISO 19770-1 certification
- ISO certification: Is my ITAM practice ready?